Source code for circuitpython_nrf24l01.rf24

# The MIT License (MIT)
# Copyright (c) 2017 Damien P. George
# Copyright (c) 2019 Brendan Doherty
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
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"""rf24 module containing the base class RF24"""
import time

    from typing import Union, Sequence, Optional, List, Tuple
    from typing_extensions import Literal
except ImportError:
from micropython import const
from digitalio import DigitalInOut  # type: ignore[import]
import busio  # type: ignore[import]
from .wrapper import SPIDevCtx, SPIDevice

CONFIGURE = const(0x00)  # IRQ masking, CRC scheme, PWR control, & RX/TX roles
AUTO_ACK = const(0x01)  # auto-ACK status for all pipes
OPEN_PIPES = const(0x02)  # open/close RX status for all pipes
SETUP_RETR = const(0x04)  # auto-retry count & delay values
RF_PA_RATE = const(0x06)  # RF Power Amplifier & Data Rate values
RX_ADDR_P0 = const(0x0A)  # RX pipe addresses; pipes 0-5 = 0x0A-0x0F
TX_ADDRESS = const(0x10)  # Address used for TX transmissions
RX_PL_LENG = const(0x11)  # RX payload widths; pipes 0-5 = 0x11-0x16
DYN_PL_LEN = const(0x1C)  # dynamic payloads status for all pipes
TX_FEATURE = const(0x1D)  # dynamic TX-payloads, TX-ACK payloads, TX-NO_ACK

[docs] def address_repr( buf: Union[bytes, bytearray], reverse: bool = True, delimit: str = "" ) -> str: """Convert a buffer into a hexlified string.""" order = range(len(buf) - 1, -1, -1) if reverse else range(len(buf)) return delimit.join(["%02X" % buf[byte] for byte in order])
[docs] class RF24: """A driver class for the nRF24L01(+) transceiver radios.""" def __init__( self, spi: busio.SPI, csn: DigitalInOut, ce_pin: DigitalInOut, spi_frequency=10000000, ): self._in = bytearray(97) # MISO buffer for full RX FIFO reads + STATUS byte self._out = bytearray(97) # MOSI buffer length must equal MISO buffer length self._ce_pin = ce_pin self._ce_pin.switch_to_output(value=False) # init shadow copy of RX addresses for all pipes for context manager self._pipes = [bytearray(5)] * 2 + [0] * 4 # pre-configure the CONFIGURE register: # 0x0E = all IRQs enabled, CRC is 2 bytes, and power up in TX mode self._config = 0x0E # setup SPI if type(spi).__name__.endswith("SpiDev"): self._spi = SPIDevCtx(spi, csn, spi_frequency=spi_frequency) else: self._spi = SPIDevice(spi, chip_select=csn, baudrate=spi_frequency) self._reg_write(CONFIGURE, self._config) if self._reg_read(CONFIGURE) != self._config: raise RuntimeError("radio hardware not responding") for i in range(6): # capture RX addresses from registers if i < 2: self._pipes[i] = self._reg_read_bytes(RX_ADDR_P0 + i) else: self._pipes[i] = self._reg_read(RX_ADDR_P0 + i) # test is nRF24L01 is a plus variant using a command specific to # non-plus variants self._open_pipes, self._is_plus_variant = (0, False) # close all RX pipes self._features = self._reg_read(TX_FEATURE) self._reg_write(0x50, 0x73) # derelict command toggles TX_FEATURE register after_toggle = self._reg_read(TX_FEATURE) if self._features == after_toggle: self._is_plus_variant = True elif not after_toggle: # if features are disabled self._reg_write(0x50, 0x73) # ensure they're enabled # pre-configure features for TX operations: # 5 = enable dynamic_payloads, disable custom ack payloads, & # allow ask_no_ack command self._features = 5 # init shadow copy of last RX_ADDR_P0 written to pipe 0 needed as # open_tx_pipe() appropriates pipe 0 for ACK packet self._pipe0_read_addr: Optional[Union[bytes, bytearray]] = None # shadow copy of the TX_ADDRESS self._tx_address = self._reg_read_bytes(TX_ADDRESS) # pre-configure the SETUP_RETR register self._retry_setup = 0x5F # ard = 1500; arc = 15 # pre-configure the RF_SETUP register self._rf_setup = 0x07 # 1 Mbps data_rate, and 0 dbm pa_level # pre-configure dynamic_payloads & auto_ack self._dyn_pl, self._aa = (0x3F,) * 2 # 0x3F = enable feature on all pipes self._channel = 76 # 2.476 GHz self._addr_len = 5 # 5-byte long addresses self._pl_len = [32] * 6 # 32-byte static payloads for all pipes with self: # dumps internal attributes to all registers self.flush_rx() self.flush_tx() self.clear_status_flags() def __enter__(self): self._ce_pin.value = False self._config |= 2 self._reg_write(CONFIGURE, self._config) # time.sleep(0.00015) # let the rest of this function be the delay self._reg_write(RF_PA_RATE, self._rf_setup) self._reg_write(OPEN_PIPES, self._open_pipes) self._reg_write(DYN_PL_LEN, self._dyn_pl) self._reg_write(AUTO_ACK, self._aa) self._reg_write(TX_FEATURE, self._features) self._reg_write(SETUP_RETR, self._retry_setup) for i, addr in enumerate(self._pipes): if i < 2: self._reg_write_bytes(RX_ADDR_P0 + i, addr) else: self._reg_write(RX_ADDR_P0 + i, addr) self.set_payload_length(self._pl_len[i], i) self._reg_write_bytes(TX_ADDRESS, self._tx_address) self._reg_write(0x05, self._channel) self._reg_write(0x03, self._addr_len - 2) return self def __exit__(self, *exc): self._ce_pin.value = False self._config &= 0x7D # power off radio self._reg_write(CONFIGURE, self._config) time.sleep(0.00015) return False @property def ce_pin(self) -> bool: """Control the radio's CE pin (for advanced usage)""" return self._ce_pin.value @ce_pin.setter def ce_pin(self, val: bool): self._ce_pin.value = val def _reg_read(self, reg: int) -> int: self._out[0] = reg with self._spi as spi: # time.sleep(0.000005) spi.write_readinto(self._out, self._in, out_end=2, in_end=2) # print("SPI read 1 byte from", ("%02X" % reg), ("%02X" % self._in[1])) return self._in[1] def _reg_read_bytes(self, reg: int, buf_len: int = 5) -> bytearray: self._out[0] = reg buf_len += 1 with self._spi as spi: # time.sleep(0.000005) spi.write_readinto(self._out, self._in, out_end=buf_len, in_end=buf_len) # print("SPI read {} bytes from {} {}".format( # buf_len - 1, ("%02X" % reg), address_repr(self._in[1 : buf_len], 0) # )) return self._in[1:buf_len] def _reg_write_bytes(self, reg: int, out_buf: Union[bytes, bytearray]): self._out[0] = 0x20 | reg buf_len = len(out_buf) + 1 self._out[1:buf_len] = out_buf with self._spi as spi: # time.sleep(0.000005) spi.write_readinto(self._out, self._in, out_end=buf_len, in_end=buf_len) # print("SPI write {} bytes to {} {}".format( # buf_len - 1, ("%02X" % reg), address_repr(self._out[1 : buf_len], 0) # )) def _reg_write(self, reg: int, value: Optional[int] = None): self._out[0] = reg buf_len = 1 if value is not None: self._out[0] = (0x20 if reg != 0x50 else 0) | reg self._out[1] = value buf_len += 1 with self._spi as spi: # time.sleep(0.000005) spi.write_readinto(self._out, self._in, out_end=buf_len, in_end=buf_len) # if reg != 0xFF: # print( # "SPI write", "command" if value is None else "1 byte to", # ("%02X" % reg), "" if value is None else ("%02X" % value) # ) @property def address_length(self) -> int: """This `int` is the length (in bytes) used of RX/TX addresses.""" self._addr_len = self._reg_read(0x03) + 2 return self._addr_len @address_length.setter def address_length(self, length: int): self._addr_len = int(length) if 3 <= length <= 5 else 2 self._reg_write(0x03, self._addr_len - 2)
[docs] def open_tx_pipe(self, address: Union[bytes, bytearray]) -> None: """Open a data pipe for TX transmissions.""" if self._pipe0_read_addr != address and self._aa & 1: for i, val in enumerate(address): self._pipes[0][i] = val # type: ignore[assignment, index] self._reg_write_bytes(RX_ADDR_P0, address) for i, val in enumerate(address): self._tx_address[i] = val self._reg_write_bytes(TX_ADDRESS, address)
[docs] def close_rx_pipe(self, pipe_number: int) -> None: """Close a specific data pipe from RX transmissions.""" if pipe_number < 0 or pipe_number > 5: raise IndexError("pipe number must be in range [0, 5]") self._open_pipes = self._reg_read(OPEN_PIPES) & ~(1 << pipe_number) if not pipe_number: self._pipe0_read_addr = None self._reg_write(OPEN_PIPES, self._open_pipes)
[docs] def open_rx_pipe(self, pipe_number: int, address: Union[bytes, bytearray]) -> None: """Open a specific data pipe for RX transmissions.""" if not 0 <= pipe_number <= 5: raise IndexError("pipe number must be in range [0, 5]") if not address: raise ValueError("address length cannot be 0") if pipe_number < 2: if not pipe_number: self._pipe0_read_addr = address for i, val in enumerate(address): self._pipes[pipe_number][i] = val # type: ignore[assignment, index] self._reg_write_bytes(RX_ADDR_P0 + pipe_number, address) else: self._pipes[pipe_number] = address[0] self._reg_write(RX_ADDR_P0 + pipe_number, address[0]) self._open_pipes = self._reg_read(OPEN_PIPES) | (1 << pipe_number) self._reg_write(OPEN_PIPES, self._open_pipes)
@property def listen(self) -> bool: """This attribute is the primary role as a radio.""" return self.power and bool(self._config & 1) @listen.setter def listen(self, is_rx: bool): self._ce_pin.value = False self._config = self._config & 0xFC | (2 + bool(is_rx)) self._reg_write(CONFIGURE, self._config) start_timer = time.monotonic_ns() if is_rx: self._ce_pin.value = True if ( self._pipe0_read_addr is not None and self._pipe0_read_addr != self.address(0) ): for i, val in enumerate(self._pipe0_read_addr): self._pipes[0][i] = val # type: ignore[index] self._reg_write_bytes(RX_ADDR_P0, self._pipe0_read_addr) elif self._pipe0_read_addr is None and self._open_pipes & 1: self._open_pipes &= 0x3E # close_rx_pipe(0) is slower self._reg_write(OPEN_PIPES, self._open_pipes) else: if self._features & 6 == 6 and ((self._aa & self._dyn_pl) & 1): self.flush_tx() if self._aa & 1 and not self._open_pipes & 1: self._open_pipes |= 1 self._reg_write(OPEN_PIPES, self._open_pipes) # mandatory wait time is 130 µs delta_time = time.monotonic_ns() - start_timer if delta_time < 150000: time.sleep((150000 - delta_time) / 1000000000)
[docs] def available(self) -> bool: """A `bool` describing if there is a payload in the RX FIFO.""" return self.update() and self._in[0] >> 1 & 7 < 6
[docs] def any(self) -> int: """This function reports the next available payload's length (in bytes).""" last_dyn_size = self._reg_read(0x60) if self._in[0] >> 1 & 7 < 6: if self._features & 4: return last_dyn_size return self._pl_len[(self._in[0] >> 1) & 7] return 0
[docs] def read(self, length: Optional[int] = None) -> Optional[bytearray]: """This function is used to retrieve data from the RX FIFO.""" return_size = length if length is not None else self.any() if not return_size: return None result = self._reg_read_bytes(0x61, return_size) self.clear_status_flags(True, False, False) return result
[docs] def send( self, buf: Union[bytes, bytearray, Sequence[Union[bytes, bytearray]]], ask_no_ack: bool = False, force_retry: int = 0, send_only: bool = False, ) -> Union[bool, bytearray, List[Union[bool, bytearray]]]: """This blocking function is used to transmit payload(s).""" self._ce_pin.value = False if isinstance(buf, (list, tuple)): result = [] for byte in buf: result.append(self.send(byte, ask_no_ack, force_retry, send_only)) return result # type: ignore[return-value] if self._in[0] & 0x10 or self._in[0] & 1: self.flush_tx() if not send_only and self._in[0] >> 1 & 7 < 6: self.flush_rx() up_cnt = 0 assert isinstance(buf, (bytes, bytearray)) self.write(buf, ask_no_ack) while not self._in[0] & 0x30: up_cnt += self.update() result = bool(self._in[0] & 0x20) # type: ignore[assignment] # print("send did {} updates. flags: {}".format(up_cnt, self._in[0] >> 4)) while force_retry and not result: result = self.resend(send_only) force_retry -= 1 if self._in[0] & 0x60 == 0x60 and not send_only: result = # type: ignore[assignment] # self._ce_pin.value = False return result # type: ignore[return-value]
@property def tx_full(self) -> bool: """An `bool` to represent if the TX FIFO is full. (read-only)""" return bool(self._in[0] & 1) @property def pipe(self) -> Optional[int]: """The number of the data pipe that received the next available payload in the RX FIFO. (read only)""" result = self._in[0] >> 1 & 7 if result <= 5: return result return None @property def irq_dr(self) -> bool: """A `bool` that represents the "Data Ready" interrupted flag. (read-only)""" return bool(self._in[0] & 0x40) @property def irq_ds(self) -> bool: """A `bool` that represents the "Data Sent" interrupted flag. (read-only)""" return bool(self._in[0] & 0x20) @property def irq_df(self) -> bool: """A `bool` that represents the "Data Failed" interrupted flag. (read-only)""" return bool(self._in[0] & 0x10)
[docs] def update(self) -> Literal[True]: """This function gets an updated status byte over SPI.""" self._reg_write(0xFF) return True
[docs] def clear_status_flags( self, data_recv: bool = True, data_sent: bool = True, data_fail: bool = True ): """This clears the interrupt flags in the status register.""" config = bool(data_recv) << 6 | bool(data_sent) << 5 self._reg_write(7, config | bool(data_fail) << 4)
[docs] def interrupt_config( self, data_recv: bool = True, data_sent: bool = True, data_fail: bool = True ): """Sets the configuration of the nRF24L01's IRQ pin. (write-only)""" self._config = (self._reg_read(CONFIGURE) & 0x0F) | (not data_recv) << 6 self._config |= (not data_fail) << 4 | (not data_sent) << 5 self._reg_write(CONFIGURE, self._config)
[docs] def print_details(self, dump_pipes: bool = False) -> None: """This debugging function outputs all details about the nRF24L01.""" observer = self._reg_read(8) _fifo = self._reg_read(0x17) self._config = self._reg_read(CONFIGURE) self._rf_setup = self._reg_read(RF_PA_RATE) self._retry_setup = self._reg_read(SETUP_RETR) self._channel = self._addr_len = self._reg_read(0x03) + 2 self._features = self._reg_read(TX_FEATURE) self._aa = self._reg_read(AUTO_ACK) self._dyn_pl = self._reg_read(DYN_PL_LEN) _crc = ( (2 if self._config & 4 else 1) if self._aa else max(0, ((self._config & 0x0C) >> 2) - 1) ) d_rate = self._rf_setup & 0x28 d_rate = (2 if d_rate == 8 else 250) if d_rate else 1 _pa_level = (3 - ((self._rf_setup & 6) >> 1)) * -6 dyn_p = ( ("_Enabled" if self._dyn_pl else "Disabled") if self._dyn_pl == 0x3F or not self._dyn_pl else "0b" + "0" * (8 - len(bin(self._dyn_pl))) + bin(self._dyn_pl)[2:] ) auto_a = ( ("Enabled" if self._aa else "Disabled") if self._aa == 0x3F or not self._aa else "0b" + "0" * (8 - len(bin(self._aa))) + bin(self._aa)[2:] ) pwr = ( ("Standby-II" if self._ce_pin.value else "Standby-I") if self._config & 2 else "Off" ) print("Is a plus variant_________{}".format(self.is_plus_variant)) print( "Channel___________________{}".format(self._channel), "~ {} GHz".format((self._channel + 2400) / 1000), ) print( "RF Data Rate______________{}".format(d_rate), "Mbps" if d_rate != 250 else "Kbps", ) print("RF Power Amplifier________{} dbm".format(_pa_level)) print( "RF Low Noise Amplifier____{}abled".format( "En" if bool(self._rf_setup & 1) else "Dis" ) ) print("CRC bytes_________________{}".format(_crc)) print("Address length____________{} bytes".format(self._addr_len)) print("TX Payload lengths________{} bytes".format(self._pl_len[0])) print( "Auto retry delay__________{} microseconds".format( ((self._retry_setup & 0xF0) >> 4) * 250 + 250 ) ) print("Auto retry attempts_______{} maximum".format(self._retry_setup & 0x0F)) print("Re-use TX FIFO____________{}".format(bool(_fifo & 64))) print( "Packets lost on current channel_____________________{}".format( observer >> 4 ) ) print( "Retry attempts made for last transmission___________{}".format( observer & 0xF ) ) print( "IRQ on Data Ready__{}abled".format("Dis" if self._config & 64 else "_En"), " Data Ready___________{}".format(self.irq_dr), ) print( "IRQ on Data Fail___{}abled".format("Dis" if self._config & 16 else "_En"), " Data Failed__________{}".format(self.irq_df), ) print( "IRQ on Data Sent___{}abled".format("Dis" if self._config & 32 else "_En"), " Data Sent____________{}".format(self.irq_ds), ) print( "TX FIFO full__________{}e".format("_Tru" if _fifo & 0x20 else "Fals"), " TX FIFO empty________{}".format(bool(_fifo & 0x10)), ) print( "RX FIFO full__________{}e".format("_Tru" if _fifo & 2 else "Fals"), " RX FIFO empty________{}".format(bool(_fifo & 1)), ) print( "Ask no ACK_________{}ed Custom ACK Payload___{}abled".format( "_Allow" if self._features & 1 else "Disabl", "En" if self._features & 2 else "Dis", ), ) print("Dynamic Payloads___{} Auto Acknowledgment__{}".format(dyn_p, auto_a)) print( "Primary Mode_____________{}X".format("R" if self._config & 1 else "T"), " Power Mode___________{}".format(pwr), ) if dump_pipes: self.print_pipes()
[docs] def print_pipes(self) -> None: """Prints all information specific to pipe's addresses, RX state, & expected static payload sizes (if configured to use static payloads).""" self._open_pipes = self._reg_read(OPEN_PIPES) self._tx_address = self._reg_read_bytes(TX_ADDRESS) for i in range(6): if i < 2: self._pipes[i] = self._reg_read_bytes(RX_ADDR_P0 + i) else: self._pipes[i] = self._reg_read(RX_ADDR_P0 + i) self._pl_len[i] = self._reg_read(RX_PL_LENG + i) print("TX address____________ 0x{}".format(address_repr(self.address()))) for i in range(6): is_open = self._open_pipes & (1 << i) print( "Pipe {} ({}) bound: 0x{}".format( i, " open " if is_open else "closed", address_repr(self.address(i)) ), ) if is_open and not self._dyn_pl & (1 << i): print("\t\texpecting {} byte static payloads".format(self._pl_len[i]))
@property def is_plus_variant(self) -> bool: """A `bool` describing if the nRF24L01 is a plus variant or not (read-only).""" return self._is_plus_variant @property def dynamic_payloads(self) -> int: """This `int` attribute is the dynamic payload length feature for any/all pipes.""" self._dyn_pl = self._reg_read(DYN_PL_LEN) return self._dyn_pl @dynamic_payloads.setter def dynamic_payloads(self, enable: Union[int, bool, Sequence[bool]]): self._features = self._reg_read(TX_FEATURE) if isinstance(enable, bool): self._dyn_pl = 0x3F if enable else 0 elif isinstance(enable, int): self._dyn_pl = 0x3F & enable elif isinstance(enable, (list, tuple)): self._dyn_pl = self._reg_read(DYN_PL_LEN) for i, val in enumerate(enable): if i < 6 and val >= 0: # skip pipe if val is negative self._dyn_pl = (self._dyn_pl & ~(1 << i)) | (bool(val) << i) else: raise ValueError("dynamic_payloads: {} is an invalid input".format(enable)) self._features = (self._features & 3) | (bool(self._dyn_pl) << 2) self._reg_write(TX_FEATURE, self._features) self._reg_write(DYN_PL_LEN, self._dyn_pl)
[docs] def set_dynamic_payloads(self, enable: bool, pipe_number: Optional[int] = None): """Control the dynamic payload feature for a specific data pipe.""" if pipe_number is None: self.dynamic_payloads = bool(enable) elif 0 <= pipe_number <= 5: self._dyn_pl = self._reg_read(DYN_PL_LEN) & ~(1 << pipe_number) self.dynamic_payloads = self._dyn_pl | (bool(enable) << pipe_number) else: raise IndexError("pipe_number must be in range [0, 5]")
[docs] def get_dynamic_payloads(self, pipe_number: int = 0) -> bool: """Returns a `bool` describing the dynamic payload feature about a pipe.""" if 0 <= pipe_number <= 5: return bool(self.dynamic_payloads & (1 << pipe_number)) raise IndexError("pipe_number must be in range [0, 5]")
@property def payload_length(self) -> int: """This `int` attribute is the length of static payloads for any/all pipes.""" return self._pl_len[0] @payload_length.setter def payload_length(self, length: Union[int, Sequence[int]]): if isinstance(length, int): length = [max(1, length)] * 6 elif not isinstance(length, (list, tuple)): raise ValueError("length {} is not a valid input".format(length)) for i, val in enumerate(length): if i < 6 and val > 0: # don't throw exception, just skip pipe self._pl_len[i] = min(32, val) self._reg_write(RX_PL_LENG + i, self._pl_len[i])
[docs] def set_payload_length(self, length: int, pipe_number: Optional[int] = None): """Sets the static payload length feature for each/all data pipes.""" if pipe_number is None: self.payload_length = length else: self._pl_len[pipe_number] = max(1, min(32, length)) self._reg_write(RX_PL_LENG + pipe_number, length)
[docs] def get_payload_length(self, pipe_number: int = 0) -> int: """Returns an `int` describing the specified data pipe's static payload length.""" self._pl_len[pipe_number] = self._reg_read(RX_PL_LENG + pipe_number) return self._pl_len[pipe_number]
@property def arc(self) -> int: """This `int` attribute specifies the number of attempts to re-transmit TX payload when ACK packet is not received.""" self._retry_setup = self._reg_read(SETUP_RETR) return self._retry_setup & 0x0F @arc.setter def arc(self, count: int): count = max(0, min(int(count), 15)) self._retry_setup = (self._retry_setup & 0xF0) | count self._reg_write(SETUP_RETR, self._retry_setup) @property def ard(self) -> int: """This `int` attribute specifies the delay (in microseconds) between attempts to automatically re-transmit the TX payload when no ACK packet is received.""" self._retry_setup = self._reg_read(SETUP_RETR) return ((self._retry_setup & 0xF0) >> 4) * 250 + 250 @ard.setter def ard(self, delta: int): delta = max(250, min(delta, 4000)) self._retry_setup = (self._retry_setup & 15) | int((delta - 250) / 250) << 4 self._reg_write(SETUP_RETR, self._retry_setup)
[docs] def set_auto_retries(self, delay: int, count: int): """set the `ard` & `arc` attributes with 1 function.""" delay = int((max(250, min(delay, 4000)) - 250) / 250) << 4 self._retry_setup = delay | max(0, min(int(count), 15)) self._reg_write(SETUP_RETR, self._retry_setup)
[docs] def get_auto_retries(self) -> tuple: """get the `ard` & `arc` attributes with 1 function.""" return (self.ard, self._retry_setup & 0x0F)
@property def last_tx_arc(self) -> int: """Return the number of attempts made for last transmission (read-only).""" return self._reg_read(8) & 0x0F @property def auto_ack(self) -> int: """This `int` attribute is the automatic acknowledgment feature for any/all pipes.""" self._aa = self._reg_read(AUTO_ACK) return self._aa @auto_ack.setter def auto_ack(self, enable: Union[int, bool, Sequence[bool]]): if isinstance(enable, bool): self._aa = 0x3F if enable else 0 elif isinstance(enable, int): self._aa = 0x3F & enable elif isinstance(enable, (list, tuple)): self._aa = self._reg_read(AUTO_ACK) for i, val in enumerate(enable): if i < 6 and val >= 0: # skip pipe if val is negative self._aa = (self._aa & ~(1 << i)) | (bool(val) << i) else: raise ValueError("auto_ack: {} is not a valid input".format(enable)) self._reg_write(AUTO_ACK, self._aa)
[docs] def set_auto_ack(self, enable: bool, pipe_number: int): """Control the `auto_ack` feature for a specific data pipe.""" if pipe_number is None: self.auto_ack = bool(enable) elif 0 <= pipe_number <= 5: self._aa = self._reg_read(AUTO_ACK) & ~(1 << pipe_number) self.auto_ack = self._aa | (bool(enable) << pipe_number) else: raise IndexError("pipe_number must be in range [0, 5]")
[docs] def get_auto_ack(self, pipe_number: int) -> bool: """Returns a `bool` describing the `auto_ack` feature about a data pipe.""" if 0 <= pipe_number <= 5: self._aa = self._reg_read(AUTO_ACK) return bool(self._aa & (1 << pipe_number)) raise IndexError("pipe_number must be in range [0, 5]")
@property def ack(self) -> bool: """Represents use of custom payloads as part of the ACK packet.""" self._aa = self._reg_read(AUTO_ACK) self._dyn_pl = self._reg_read(DYN_PL_LEN) self._features = self._reg_read(TX_FEATURE) return bool((self._features & 6) == 6 and ((self._aa & self._dyn_pl) & 1)) @ack.setter def ack(self, enable: bool): if bool(enable): self.set_auto_ack(True, 0) self._dyn_pl = self._dyn_pl & 0x3E | 1 self._reg_write(DYN_PL_LEN, self._dyn_pl) self._features = self._features | 4 self._features = self._features & 5 | bool(enable) << 1 self._reg_write(TX_FEATURE, self._features)
[docs] def load_ack(self, buf: Union[bytes, bytearray], pipe_number: int) -> bool: """Load a payload into the TX FIFO for use on a specific data pipe.""" if pipe_number < 0 or pipe_number > 5: raise IndexError("pipe_number must be in range [0, 5]") if not buf or len(buf) > 32: raise ValueError("payload must have a byte length in range [1, 32]") if not bool((self._features & 6) == 6 and ((self._aa & self._dyn_pl) & 1)): self.ack = True if not self.tx_full: self._reg_write_bytes(0xA8 | pipe_number, buf) return True return False
@property def allow_ask_no_ack(self) -> bool: """Allow or disable ``ask_no_ack`` parameter to `send()` & `write()`.""" self._features = self._reg_read(TX_FEATURE) return bool(self._features & 1) @allow_ask_no_ack.setter def allow_ask_no_ack(self, enable: bool): self._features = self._reg_read(TX_FEATURE) & 6 | bool(enable) self._reg_write(TX_FEATURE, self._features) @property def data_rate(self) -> int: """This `int` attribute specifies the RF data rate.""" self._rf_setup = self._reg_read(RF_PA_RATE) rf_setup = self._rf_setup & 0x28 return (2 if rf_setup == 8 else 250) if rf_setup else 1 @data_rate.setter def data_rate(self, speed: int): if speed not in (1, 2, 250): raise ValueError("data_rate must be 1 (Mbps), 2 (Mbps), or 250 (kbps)") speed = 0 if speed == 1 else (0x20 if speed != 2 else 8) self._rf_setup = self._reg_read(RF_PA_RATE) & 0xD7 | speed self._reg_write(RF_PA_RATE, self._rf_setup) @property def channel(self) -> int: """This `int` attribute specifies the nRF24L01's frequency.""" return self._reg_read(5) @channel.setter def channel(self, channel: int): if not 0 <= int(channel) <= 125: raise ValueError("channel can only be set in range [0, 125]") self._channel = int(channel) self._reg_write(5, self._channel) @property def crc(self) -> int: """This `int` attribute specifies the CRC checksum length in bytes.""" self._config = self._reg_read(CONFIGURE) self._aa = self._reg_read(AUTO_ACK) if self._aa: return 2 if self._config & 4 else 1 return max(0, ((self._config & 0x0C) >> 2) - 1) @crc.setter def crc(self, length: int): length = min(2, abs(int(length))) length = (length + 1) << 2 if length else 0 self._config = self._config & 0x73 | length self._reg_write(CONFIGURE, self._config) @property def power(self) -> bool: """This `bool` attribute controls the power state of the nRF24L01.""" self._config = self._reg_read(CONFIGURE) return bool(self._config & 2) @power.setter def power(self, is_on: bool): self._config = self._reg_read(CONFIGURE) & 0x7D | bool(is_on) << 1 self._reg_write(CONFIGURE, self._config) time.sleep(0.00015) @property def pa_level(self) -> int: """This `int` is the power amplifier level (in dBm).""" self._rf_setup = self._reg_read(RF_PA_RATE) return (3 - ((self._rf_setup & 6) >> 1)) * -6 @pa_level.setter def pa_level(self, power: Union[bool, Tuple[bool, int]]): lna_bit = True if isinstance(power, (list, tuple)) and len(power) > 1: lna_bit, power = bool(power[1]), int(power[0]) # type: ignore[assignment] if not isinstance(power, int) or power not in (-18, -12, -6, 0): raise ValueError("pa_level must be -18, -12, -6, or 0 (in dBm)") pwr = (3 - int(power / -6)) * 2 self._rf_setup = (self._rf_setup & 0xF8) | pwr | lna_bit self._reg_write(RF_PA_RATE, self._rf_setup) @property def is_lna_enabled(self) -> bool: """A read-only `bool` attribute about the LNA gain feature.""" self._rf_setup = self._reg_read(RF_PA_RATE) return bool(self._rf_setup & 1)
[docs] def resend(self, send_only: bool = False): """Manually re-send the first-out payload from TX FIFO buffers.""" if self.fifo(True, True): return False self._ce_pin.value = False if not send_only and (self._in[0] >> 1) < 6: self.flush_rx() self.clear_status_flags() # self._reg_write(0xE3) up_cnt = 0 self._ce_pin.value = True while not self._in[0] & 0x30: up_cnt += self.update() # self._ce_pin.value = False result = bool(self._in[0] & 0x20) # print("resend did {} updates. flags: {}".format(up_cnt, self._in[0] >> 4)) if result and self._in[0] & 0x40 and not send_only: return return result
[docs] def write( self, buf: Union[bytes, bytearray], ask_no_ack: bool = False, write_only: bool = False, ) -> bool: """This non-blocking and helper function to `send()` can only handle one payload at a time.""" if not self._dyn_pl & 1: buf_len = len(buf) pl_len = self._pl_len[0] if buf_len < pl_len: buf += b"\0" * (pl_len - buf_len) elif buf_len > pl_len: buf = buf[:pl_len] elif not buf or len(buf) > 32: raise ValueError("buffer must have a length in range [1, 32]") self.clear_status_flags() if self._in[0] & 1: return False self._reg_write_bytes(0xA0 | (bool(ask_no_ack) << 4), buf) if not write_only: self._ce_pin.value = True return True
[docs] def flush_rx(self): """Flush all 3 levels of the RX FIFO.""" self._reg_write(0xE2)
[docs] def flush_tx(self): """Flush all 3 levels of the TX FIFO.""" self._reg_write(0xE1)
[docs] def fifo(self, about_tx: bool = False, check_empty: Optional[bool] = None): """This provides the status of the TX/RX FIFO buffers. (read-only)""" _fifo, about_tx = (self._reg_read(0x17), bool(about_tx)) if check_empty is None: return (_fifo & (0x30 if about_tx else 0x03)) >> (4 * about_tx) return bool(_fifo & ((2 - bool(check_empty)) << (4 * about_tx)))
[docs] def address(self, index: int = -1): """Returns the current TX address or optionally RX address. (read-only)""" if index > 5: raise IndexError("index {} is out of bounds [0,5]".format(index)) if index < 0: return self._tx_address if index <= 1: return self._pipes[index] return bytes([self._pipes[index]]) + self._pipes[1][1:] # type: ignore
@property def rpd(self) -> bool: """Returns `True` if signal was detected or `False` if not. (read-only)""" return bool(self._reg_read(0x09))
[docs] def start_carrier_wave(self): """Starts a continuous carrier wave test.""" self.power = False self._ce_pin.value = False self.power = True self.listen = False self._rf_setup |= 0x90 self._reg_write(RF_PA_RATE, self._rf_setup) if not self.is_plus_variant: self._reg_write(AUTO_ACK, 0) self._reg_write(SETUP_RETR, 0) self._reg_write_bytes(TX_ADDRESS, b"\xFF" * 5) self._reg_write_bytes(0xA0, b"\xFF" * 32) self._reg_write(CONFIGURE, 0x73) self._ce_pin.value = True time.sleep(0.001) self._ce_pin.value = False self.clear_status_flags() self._reg_write(0x17, 0x40) self._ce_pin.value = True
[docs] def stop_carrier_wave(self): """Stops a continuous carrier wave test.""" self._ce_pin.value = False self.power = False self._rf_setup &= ~0x90 self._reg_write(RF_PA_RATE, self._rf_setup)